Course 2: NEW for 2024 - Advanced Horizontal & Vertical Augmentation - with Dr Selvaraj Balaji
2 Day Course (MARCH 2024)
Advanced Horizontal & Vertical Augmentation
- with Dr Selvaraj Balaji.
Location: Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow
Part 1 is a 2 Day Course with Dr Balaji.
Location: Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow
This course is designed for dentists who are already capable of placing implants and would like to enhance their skills.
This course will teach you how to improve your skills in horizontal and vertical bone augmentation and soft tissue surgical work.
The duration of this course is 2 days, both of which include lectures and hands-on exercises. A further 2 day course is also available.This course will give you an understanding of bone and soft tissue defects and how to treat them according to the size of the defect. You will also learn the different types of biomaterial and which is best to use in different situations; bone harvesting techniques and connective tissue harvesting techniques.
We will also cover flap design; tension free flap closure, lingual flap advancement, and periosteal advancement.
Welcome & Introduction
Skills Test
Dr Sandy Limerick - Patient selection, diagnosis, digital planning applied anatomy of the maxila and mandible
Biology, Biomaterials, types of defects, patient selection
Socket Defects, Anterior aesthetic region horizontal augmentation techniques
Hands-on: Flip design, horizontal augmentation with GBR CTG harvesting and fixing, tunnel technique periosteo-elastic technique and suturing. Implant placement and custom made temp
Welcome Dinner
Dr Sandy Limerick - applied anatomy Anterior maxilla and mandible
Sausage technique maxilla
Sausage technique mandible
Soft tissue, suturing technique
Hands-on Sausage technique, fibrogide, plastic model training
Discussion and Farewell
2 Day Course (JUNE 2024)
Advanced Horizontal & Vertical Augmentation
- with Dr Selvaraj Balaji
Location: Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow
The second part of the course. Part 2 is a 2 Day Course with Dr Balaji.
Location: Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow
This course is designed for dentists who are already capable of placing implants and would like to enhance their skills.
This course will teach you how to improve your skills in horizontal and vertical bone augmentation and soft tissue surgical work.
The duration of this course is two days, both of which include lectures and hands-on exercises.This course will give you an understanding of bone and soft tissue defects and how to treat them according to the size of the defect. You will also learn the different types of biomaterial and which is best to use in different situations; bone harvesting techniques and connective tissue harvesting techniques.
We will also cover flap design; tension free flap closure, lingual flap advancement, and periosteal advancement.
Welcome and Introduction
Skills Test
Dr Sandy Limerick - applied anatomy mandible
Vertical Augmentation - Anterior Maxilla
Vertical Augmentation - Posterior Maxilla
Hands-on: Flap design, vertical augmentation PTFE membrane, CTG harvesting and fixing, periosteo-elastic technique and suturing
Case presentation from delegates and discussion
Vertical augmentation - posterior mandible
Sausage technique mandible
Vertical Augmentation - anterior mandible
Soft tissue, harvesting and suturing technique
Test Questions
Hands-on soft tissue: coronary repositioned flap, strip graft, Mucograft and CTG harvesting
Case presentation from delegates
Discussion and Farewell and CPD certs